
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kane Breaks Bret's WrestleMania Record, Lynn/Mania Update, Teddy Hart News


- With his participation at WrestleMania 26's Money in the Bank match, Kane broke Bret Hart's previous record of the most consecutive WrestleMania matches with 13.

- Teddy Hart, who was in town for the Dragon Gate show, hung out with Bret Hart following the WrestleMania 26 pay-per-view.

- As noted before, former ECW Champion Jerry Lynn attended WrestleMania. He also attended the pre-show press conference where he was acknowledged during the event by John Cena and Chris Jericho

What Happen After RAW 30/03/2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

WWE Creative Update on WrestleMania, TV News for Tonight's HOF

The three WWE Hall of Fame inductions that will be shown on TV tonight are Gorgeous George, Bob Uecker and Ted DiBiase. It's hard to believe that WWE isn't airing the induction of Stu Hart on TV.
- As of this afternoon, WWE officials were still going over the match order for tomorrow's WrestleMania 26. Believe it or not, there has at least been talk this weekend of having Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart as the last match. It was previously noted that John Cena vs. Batista was set to go on last but apparently they still haven't decided.

Matt Hardy Says Jeff Will Be Back In WWE

Matt Hardy said the following about his brother Jeff being in TNA: "It's one of those things. Jeff can't handle the schedule right now. I think it's not going to be a long-term thing. I think as soon as his body heals up and he gets it together, he'll be back in the WWE again."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bret Hart Speaks On Returning to WWE, Vince McMahon,

Hart speaks... Fanhouse has an interview up with Bret Hart. Highlights are below.On returning to WWE: "You know, it was really a surreal kind of feeling.
When I was doing it, I thought -- as I waited for it to happen -- that I thought I was going to get nervous but I never got nervous at all."On how he gets along with Vince McMahon: "We're pretty respectful of one another.
I think there's some genuine ... I think he feels bad for what happened. I think in a lot of ways Vince was a big fan. Vince McMahon is the world's biggest wrestling fan. He loved all the work I contributed.
The only thing Vince loves more than wrestling is his money and somehow that's where we ended up having a lot of problems. We're all right as far as ... it's sort of a mutual respect. He's done a lot for me and done a lot for my family and the wrestling world and wrestling industry. He's just got a funny way of doing business sometimes.
"On his role with WWE after Wrestlemania: "I think I'm going to do a little bit of stuff with them but I think for the most part that my role wraps up on Sunday.

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon: The Predictions

As wrestling fans, we love to make predictions. But those in the business itself do too. Though Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels and the two world title matches are probably more important to WWE in the long run, it's the Bret "The Hitman" Hart against Vince McMahon Street Fight that has people talking. Check out the predictions from the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Hart Dynasty and others!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Wrestling icon"I'll give you two. Bret Hart wins, unless they're going to go to Backlash and bring it back. Then Vince will win first, and Bret will win the other one. But if they're going to go one match, Bret's going to win."

Was it a match you ever thought would happen?Austin: "I'm glad it is happening. I think it brings closure to their storyline, which goes back to the Montreal Screwjob, to all the hardships and heartaches that they've endured on a personal level. To see them in the ring working together, make no mistake about it, wrestling is a cooperation game. I have no doubt that Bret's going to be laying in his stuff extra-snug, but it's good to see Bret's moved on. Bret's one of my favorite guys to ever be in the ring with, and one of the guys that I respect the most. I've worked with both of the guys. Vince is a classic heel. He's not athletic. But he loves to be hated, he thrives on it. And Bret loves being loved, and he's a great babyface, and he's that humble, working every day babyface. It's going to be a damn good match."

Joe E. Legend, International superstar"I can't say because I'm biased. I was on tour with Bret last year and he and I came up with a 'fantasy scenario' of how he's do it IF he ever went back for it. We came up with a WICKED finish and it would be unfair of me to give it away just in case he goes with what we discussed."

Dan Murphy, Senior Writer, Pro Wrestling IllustratedGiven Hart's health problems and McMahon’s age, most analysts are keeping their expectations fairly low. But Hart isn’t about to mail in a poor performance at WrestleMania, and neither is Vince. Expect this match to get wild, with a lot of action outside the ring and plenty of outside interference. As for the finish, Vince will try to again mine the Montreal Screwjob by applying a sharpshooter and hoping for a quick bell. It won’t happen. Bret will counter the move. Bret scores the clean pinfall with a clothesline. And if Jim Neidhart is at ringside, expect to see Vince take an old-fashioned Hart Attack for good measure.

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David Hart Smith, WWE superstar, nephew of Bret Hart"Geez, well, Mr. McMahon is not known to be a master technician in the ring or much of anything as a wrestler. I would think that Bret would take this one, and would hopefully be able to put him in the Sharpshooter to get the victory -- to make him say, 'Uncle,' there wouldn't be a better move to beat him with."

"Hot Shot" Johnny Devine, wrestler and The Fight Network personality"I am going to say Bret via sharpshooter clean, or at the very least the same finish as Bret/Austin where Austin passed out. I could see something like Vince passing out and Bret shaving him as well."

Sheldon Goldberg, Co-Owner/Promoter New England Championship Wrestling; Host/Producer: The Mouthpiece Wrestling Show Honestly, who ever thought this match would happen? Bret Hart, though his amazing autobiography (which is one of the best bios of any kind I have ever read), got the last word in print, but he deserves to get the last word in the ring -- and at WrestleMania where many more people will see it. The storybook ending would have Vince McMahon tapping out in the sharpshooter -- poetic justice, that would just happen to be good for business. But what really makes me smile is that Bret Hart is back involved in wrestling on a major league level. Even having had a stroke, a WWE with Bret Hart working in any capacity, is a better WWE, in my opinion.

Natalya, WWE Diva, niece of Bret Hart"I think Vince, in his match, will try to pull every trick in the book. But who knows, that's kind of the exciting part of it. Every week that we've been watching it, following it, every week gets a little bit more exciting. It's funny to watch it all unfold, it's interesting to watch the dynamics. I think Bret will come out victorious, but I don't think, I don't expect it to go down without some serious turmoil. ... we can hope Vince slips on a banana peel, Bret puts on the Sharpshooter, or some sort of submission hold. We're always there if he needs us."

Dave Republic, promoter, Extreme Canadian Championship WrestlingFor Bret versus Vince we are not going to have a wrestling clinic -- instead, lots of brawling and Bret dishing out a beating to score his revenge. I see Bret winning with the sharpshooter, a major in-ring celebration with all the Harts in attendance and closing the book on this 12.5 year angle. Coming out of this match, hopefully the Hart Dynasty plays into stopping interference to assist McMahon (perhaps from some NXT guys or even Shawn Michaels?) and then the new generation of Harts get the push they so rightfully deserve.

"Bloody" Bill Skullion, Ontario indy worker"It should be really entertaining. It's the only match I really give a s--- about on the show. Vince, screw job. I think there will be a sh--load of juice though."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Latest News on the WWE TV Network Being Planned

The latest on a WWE TV network is that the company is looking to launch it in about 18 months. They are looking at original non-wrestling programs to air along with wrestling features.
Different names have been suggested including
The WWE Network,
WWE S&E (for Sports & Entertainment),
WWE 365,, WWE Net
and WWE 24/7/365.

Bill Goldberg Is Negotiating With WWE

According to Dave Meltzer, WWE had reached out to Bill Goldberg "some time back." The offer was for an affiliation, not for him to be a wrestler, but for a legends style contract, which may include the use of his likeness for merchandising and video games. The deal is described as "a completely different level than the normal legends deal.

"Original: Bill Goldberg posted the following on his Twitter account today, confirming that he is in negotiations with WWE…YES.. I am in negotiations with the WWE. Looks like 'ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat. Shame for the fans they didn't even try..Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it........then came my sonNo one said I'd wrestle but the door is open againAlso.... If I ever did step in the ring again, I have a new tag partner. He goes by the name of "Lights Out!!!!"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bret Hart Write in his Facebook Account

It's one week until WrestleMania and I have to admit to being totally pumped up. Phoenix has always been a great place for me over the years.
My last memory being there was back in 1999 with WCW where I vaguely recall winning the WCW tag-team belts with none other than Bill Goldberg. I don't remember losing them ever anywhere, but like everything in WCW, nothing made much sense.
On a better note, it was great seeing my pal, Stone Cold, last week on Raw. We talked for some time about our old WrestleMania 13 match and how great it was.
Steve looked terrific and was excited about his acting career. We left things off that he might come visit me in Hawaii and try to help me with some of the wild pigs tearing up my neighborhood down there. I also had a long look back with Kevin Dunn and Pat Patterson after Raw last week. We had some nice reflections on Owen that reminded us all what a tragic loss his passing was. We had some laughs too, and Pat laughed until he cried. All in all, it as a great night for me in San Diego last week.
I stopped by to visit and give a pep talk to the Hitmen before the first game of the playoffs against the Moose Jaw Warriors. I rarely do this but I made an exception. I stammered a few words about them being Andre the Giant and that Moose Jaw was Barry Horrowitz.
That seemed to blow up in my face completely as the Hitmen lost, and then lost again last night. On Friday night, I stopped by to see my pal Joe Thornton and the San Jose Sharks. They had just lost a close one against the Flames and Joe called out with a smile that maybe I should give them a pep talk. I said, "no more pep talks for me." Anyway, I gotta run to the airport, taking my son Blade down like the good old days again. Thanks again to my great fans all over the world for being in my corner these past three months. I'll never forget it nor will I let you down next Sunday. WrestleMania, here I come!-Bret
P.S. I will have a WrestleMania week sale at my online store starting on Wednesday this week, check . THANKS HITMAN FANS!

WWE Monday Night Raw Preview 22/03/2010

Pete Rose hosts the show

it may be for only one night, but HHH and Randy Orton, formerly part of Evolution, will work together to face off with Sheamus, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase

There have been rumors, but will Money in the Bank get a 10th participant, or stay at nine?
After being bamboozled by the Hitman last week, what will Mr. McMahon do so close to his match with Bret Hart

Shawn Michaels invaded Smackdown Friday night and tuned up the band just for the Undertaker. Will the Deadman make a trip to raw to even the score

With just days to go, will the ladies earn a spot on the WrestleMania card

Here is the updated WrestleMania 26 card:

* HHH vs. Sheamus

* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio (If Rey Mysterio Loses, He Must Join The Straight Edge Society))

* Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

* No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

* Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin

vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre

* Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show © vs. John Morrison and R-Truth

* Career vs. Streak – Winner By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

* WWE Title Match: Batista © vs. John Cena

World Title Match: Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

TNA Impact Preview 22/03/2010

Last week RVD and Sting continued their feud as they battled around the Impact Zone. What is next for these two superstars

Last night at Destination X Kazarian won a four-way ladder match to earn a shot a the TNA X-Division title. Will he challenge Doug Williams at Lockdown

Also on the show, the Motor City Machineguns defeated Generation Me to win a shot at the TNA Tag Team Titles. With Matt Morgan laying out Hernandez after their win, are the tag champs primed for a loss

Tara retained her TNA Knockouts Title against Daffney, but after the match Daffney kidnapper Poison! Are we set for a Spider on a Pole match

Kevin Nash showed his true colors as he turned on Eric Young and got the Band back together. Is the Wolfpack set to run wild on TNA

Kurt Angle beat Ken Anderson to a bloody pulp and made him submit to the ankle lock, but Anderson said that it wasn't over. Are these two going to have to settle the score once and for all at Lockdown

In the main event of Destination X, Abyss destroyed AJ Styles and chokeslammed him through the mat. Unfortunately for the monster, he did not win the TNA Title. With The Pope D'Angelo Dinero set to challenge for the title at Lockdown, is Abyss out of the title mix? Where does Jeff Hardy fit into things after pinning AJ Styles last week

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shane McMahon Update, Bret Talks Forgiving, FCW News

Shane McMahon was spotted in Abu Dhabi over the weekend for the Laureus World Sports Awards and networking events for business people. Shane was asked by one reporter what he was doing there and he said, "You have to go where the money is.

- Big Show, Carlito and MVP will be appearing at the FCW event on Friday, April 2nd at the Miami-Dade County Fair in Miami, Florida.

- A new interview on with Bret Hart noted that Bret does not blame Vince McMahon for the tragic death of his brother Owen in 1999 and Bret said that his return to WWE and match with Vince is a good way to turn the page and move on. "It's kind of a way of clearing the table for everybody," Bret said. "My coming back is a way to forgive and forget in a good way and move on."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jesse Ventura Lashes Out At Hulk Hogan, TNA Ratings recently interviewed Jesse Ventura. Ventura had some interesting things to say about Hogan, here are some highlights...
"Hogan was the one that ratted me out to Vince. From the days that I came into wrestling, that was a no-no and Hogan knows that. You were called an office stooge if you ratted a guy to the promoter. And that's how I feel Hogan was to me, an office stooge. Hogan denies that he did it but I know that he did. When I sued Vince McMahon and we went to federal court, we had to put him in deposition. I told my attorney this story and asked him that in this deposition if he could work his way around it, I'd really like to know who ratted on me. So my attorney asked Vince, and they can ask anything in a deposition, and this is under oath: "Mr. McMahon, has there ever been a union in wrestling?" Vince said no. "Has anyone ever tried to form one?" and Vince said that I think that Jesse Ventura might have spouted his mouth about it once or twice. My attorney asked how do you know this? Did you hear Mr. Ventura do this? And with no hesitation, Vince went: "No. Hulk Hogan told me." I didn't show any emotion but I almost fell out of the chair. At that time, Hogan and I were friends. And I thought, wow, he is the guy that ran and ratted me out when I tried to unionize wrestling. I found out why he did it though. Because in discovery of my court case, I found out that at WrestleMania III, Hulk Hogan individually got paid more money than all the rest of us did combined. And that is documented." -- Chris sent in the following: For the week ending February 28 2010...

TNA iMPACT! from February 25 (airing on Bravo on February 27) drew 91,000 viewers in the first airing of the week (+26,000 viewers) - the Bravo+1 airing didn't draw a rating in the top 10... For some reason we don't have RAW ratings (from February 22) - I'm not sure whether RAW aired on a different channel (it was meant to air on Sky Sports 3, but they have no mention of RAW this week) or what happened, but that would potentially mean that Raw drew 25,000 viewers or less for this week in its various airings. SmackDown! from February 26 - drew 165,000 viewers in its first airing (another reason to believe the lack of Raw is a snafu, and not some huge anti-RAW movement) The debut episode of NXT drew 38,000 viewers in its first airing.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Money In The Bank Ladder Match To Feature Ten Participants

Michael Cole said during last night’s episode of WWE Superstars that the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania will feature ten participants. The ninth person will be revealed on tonight’s episode of Friday Night SmackDown with the tenth person likely being added this Monday night on Raw.
– Orlando Colon, cousin of WWE Superstars Carlito and Primo, debuted at last night’s Florida Championship Wrestling television taping in Florida. Partnering with Johnny Prime and the also debuting Incognito, they beat the team of Tyler Reks, Vance Archer and Derrick Bateman in a tag match. Incognito connected with a Swanton Bomb on Bateman for the win.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fans To Riot If HBK Beats Taker?, Another RAW Roster Trade

WPEN Intern sent along the following: Hey, just wanted to report yet another error. I was going through their list of "The Top 25 Most Impactful Women," and on number 25, Torrie Wilson, it says she had "one of the most downloaded matches in history - a Bikini Contest against Sable from Judgment Day in 2002." This is untrue, as it was actually 2003. You think they would have gotten a better editor for the Website by now.

Ahmed sent along the following: I don't know if you care or not but apparently there's a thread on WWE Universe and a big unmber of WWE fans threaten to riot if HBK wins at WrestleMania, Just reminded me of John Cena vs. RVD at One Night Stand 2006. Check it out at this link.

"Taz" sent along the following: I noticed they moved Vladimir Kozlov to the RAW brand. Just though I'd pass it along

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Undertaker DVD

Here's the official synopsis for The Undertaker's next DVD set The Undertaker's Most Dangerous Matches:
He's the most ominous presence in the history of Sports Entertainment, known for his remarkable "WrestleMania" streak and taking the souls of scores of superstars. Now the Undertaker's most dangerous conflicts are collected in one 3-disc DVD set, "Undertaker's Deadliest Matches". This set includes "Casket Matches", "Buried Alive Matches", "Hell in a Cell", "Last Ride Matches", "Body Bag Matches", "Boiler Room Brawls", "Concrete Crypt Matches" and numerous other brutal bouts.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Local advertising in the Richmond, Virginia area began promoting the three hour Draft edition of Raw for 4/26.

Jeff Hardy wrote in his twitter

I like to believe&I think everyone loves anUnderdog....
I need you my fans!...I can't do this alone
Dixie is a badassBoss..LoveHer!
Your commitment...I've always been cool with I ax4 you to be cool with me now. ve always been cool with I ax 4 you 2 be cool with me now.
This is a movement my fans...please join me where I am & let's make history together because I...we can't do this on our own..we need you me my fans...I'm in an amazing place..believe in me&I refuse 2 let you down

Monday, March 8, 2010

TNA To Night Perview

iMPACT will air live tonight from Universal Studios in Orlando. Matches scheduled for tonight's show include Hulk Hogan & Abyss vs. Ric Flair & AJ Styles as well as Kevin Nash & Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman & Scott Hall. Names you can expect to see on iMPACT tonight include Sting, Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy, as well as Shannon Moore.

It's possible that TNA has other familiar faces who are appearing tonight.

TNA Monday Night War

TNA's worked 8 yrs for this night. I'm very proud & so excited. iMPACT! starts hot, don't miss it. SpikeTV 9pm ET TONIGHT.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Early plans for Hall of Fame next year

While plans can always change, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that the working theme for next year's WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 is to have a WCW theme since they will be in Atlanta.
There is already talk about inducting Sting (if he is available and not with TNA), Lex Luger, Ron Simmons, The Road Warriors and The Steiner Brothers.

Former ECW Champion Sabu To Join TNA

According to Jerry Sorrentino of The Sports Courier, Sabu will be following Rob Van Dam to TNA wrestling. Chances of seeing the suicidal, homicidal maniac will be 90 percent for Monday night as we kick off the Monday night wrestling wars! If we don’t see him Monday do not be alarmed, he should arrive shortly after that.

Though he never spoke a word in interviews, Sabu won multiple titles in ECW. He feuded with Tommy Dreamer, Tazz and Shane Douglas who he won the ECW Title from in 1993. In a 1994 match against Chris Benoit, Sabu broke his neck after a botched back body drop maneuver. He continued wrestling even with the injury.
Three years later, Sabu defeated Terry Funk for the World Heavyweight Championship in a barbed wire match. The bout has been considered one of the “most extreme” of its kind.

Sabu has also worked in the WWE from 2005-2007 as well and briefly in TNA in 2002.
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

TNA Knockout Awesome Kong has been telling friends within the wrestling industry that TNA has agreed to release her from her contract.
This further confirms her recent Twitter post, in which she thanked Dixie Carter and TNA for wishing her the best in her future endeavors. The word within TNA is that she asked for a 15% pay increase, which the company did not oblidge. Sources estimate that Kong was making between $400 and $700 per show.
TNA officials originally considered having Kong sit out her contract, but officials opted to grant her the release. While Kong remains listed as one half of the TNA Knockouts Champion, there remains a possibility they may have her work one more show to drop the titles.
However, those within the company do not believe that to be the case.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rob Van Dam's WWE Universe Page Gets Deleted

Rob Van Dam’s WWE Universe Profile was just deleted.

The page was still up just over one hour ago. RVD himself has said that WWE did disable his page when rumors first began to fly around that he had signed with TNA.

This is further proof that RVD has signed with TNA.

New SmackDown Star, HHH Working Injured, HOF, More

Goldust is now a member of the SmackDown roster, after the end of ECW. Goldust will be facing Chris Jericho on tonight's Superstars and should be added to the roster page soon.- It's being said that two more names besides Stu Hart will be announced for this year's WWE Hall of Fame class — one for each RAW leading up to WrestleMania.- WWE producer Gerald Brisco will be scouting the NCAA Wrestling Tournament on Mar. 20 in Omaha, Nebraska.- Triple H is reportedly dealing with minor pain in his quadriceps, although he is not expected to miss any ring time for the time being. However, there is a chance he'll need to get the ailment taken care of over the summer

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goldberg Talks TNA - Would He Come in?

Former WWEand WCW World Hvt. champion Bill Goldberg was interviewed on the "Right After Wrestling" Sirius radio show on Monday night talking about his status with TNA, the last time he talked to TNA president Dixie Carter about working for TNA, life after wrestling, and not wanting to be like Ric Flairand Hulk Hogan getting back in the ring.
-- Goldberg claimed he has not talked to anyone in TNA about working for the promotionin four years and he doesn't anticipate going back to work for a major wrestling promotion, even if someone pitched him a tremendous offer."I personally believe that the general consensus out there is that I have moved on to other things. Let me get the record straight with this TNA deal. I have never been contacted by TNA - excuse me, I haven't been contacted by TNA since Dixie Carter and I had a nice lunch here in San Diego four years ago," Goldberg said. "The ball is not in my court. To say that I would hit the ball out of the park if it were pitched to me, I'm not saying that by any stretch of the imagination. The pitch hasn't even been made. It's not me turning down a deal."-- At various points in the interview, Goldberg talked about his age being a factor in not wanting to return to pro wrestling, especially when he's in the "life after wrestling" stage of his professional career.
"The status of Bill Goldberg is I'm 43-years-old, I have a four-year-old little boy, I have a wife, and I have three TV shows I'm currently filming. Unless I can reinvent a 25-hour day, I don't see it happening," Goldberg said. "As much as I'd love to get back there for the fans, it's really difficult juggling all of the things I have on my plate. I'm now fully engulfed in life after wrestling. To go back to it would be almost impossible at this point. Unless something and/or somebody came to the table with some type of a deal that it would behoove me to push something else to the side, I just don't see it as a reality."-- Goldberg talked about pro wrestling being an opportunity to make a name for himself to set himself up for business opportunities after wrestling, especially when his "only dream in life" of being a pro football star didn't materialize."Professional wrestlingwas a stage and a business opportunity," he said. "To say I miss the adrenalinjavascript:void(0)e rush and the ability to put a smile on a kid's face just with just a look - yeah, I absolutely miss that. Do I miss it enough to drop everything that I'm doing and go back to it? Absolutely not.
Am I passionate about it? Yes. Am I stupid about it? No."-- Goldberg closed with a parting shot on Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, who are returning to wrestle on national TV next Monday, March 8 when TNA Impact moves to Mondya nights."First and foremost, I'm not turning my back on the professional fans, as I'll never forget what they did for me, but I'm not going to be Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan being 50-years-old and getting in the ring," Goldberg said.

Mr. Anderson 'Feeling Reborn' With TNA Wrestling

It was just a few years ago when Mr. Kennedy looked to be on the fast track in the WWE, destined to a champion with the company. But things can change very quickly in the wrestling business.He dealt with some injuries – one of them that cost him a chance at winning the world championship – and rumors began to swirl about him having a reputation for being very opinionated behind the scenes, something that can be very bad in the industry.

The next thing you know he was stuck in the middle of the card. Then last May, the WWE decided that it was time to move on and released him. Most thought he would pop up quickly in TNA Wrestling. Instead, he took his time put eventually made his way over to TNA, signing with the company in January. Now, Mr. Anderson (real name Ken Anderson) is feeling good again and is ready to make a difference at his new home. He'll definitely get his chance as TNA Impact moves to Monday nights beginning next week on Spike TV, going straight up against WWE Raw from 9:00-11:00pm ET.

Last night on my Between The Ropes radio show on ESPN 1080 in Orlando, FL, Mr. Anderson was a guest and spoke about the decision to join TNA, his time with WWE, how close he came to leaving the wrestling business and more.You've been with TNA for a little while now after transitioning from the WWE. How do you like it so far?I love it. I feel like I'm reborn. Anybody that knows me knew that for the past couple of years I was in kind of a rut. Really, it was creative differences and that is a very common problem in the wrestling business. I just felt like I wasn't allowed to be myself and here in TNA they hand me a piece of paper that says 'Ken Anderson interview'. The first night they gave me that I was like 'ah, what do you want me to say?' And they were like whatever you want. Here are your points, just hit those points and whatever else, whatever comes to your mind. To me, that's unheard of, especially coming from the place I was in the last five years. Right then and there, in my mind I thought this could be something special and for the past month and a half, two months that I've been there it has been nothing but great.

I think everybody is on the same team. We're all shooting for the same goal and that is to have the best wrestling product out there and hopefully I can be a part of that.Watching you, it looks like you're having fun again when you come to the ring or cutting a promo. How much does that really affect you when it comes to doing your job?Well, I'm living the American dream right now. I had a dream – I had a dream! That one day...I would entertain masses of people. When you're told constantly don't do that, don't look that way, act this way, don't say this, say this and you don't agree with it no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you fight they keep pushing you back. It gets to the point where... Outsiders looking in probably say like 'oh, whoa is you, you have such a rough life'. Well, it is because I look at us as artists and you can't tell an artist how to paint his paintings. Nobody told Andy Warhol hey man, that doesn't look right what you're doing. That doesn't look like everybody else's paintings. No, he did his own thing and he's very famous because of it and made a lot of money along the way. I just think that when you hold an artist down and tell them they can't do things, it doesn't lead to a positive outcome. Here at TNA, I am just thrilled. I feel like I'm reborn. I've had so many people tell me that you look like you're having fun, like you're a new man. Honestly, I didn't watch wrestling for the past year. I didn't watch it. I had no desire to. I didn't know if I was going to continue on with the wrestling business. I thought, you know what, I might just call it quits now.

I was actually pretty reluctant in going to TNA and I'm so glad that I actually did it.How close were you to leaving wrestling all together following your tenure with the WWE?I went home the night of the last match I had – that five-on-five – and I said I don't think I want to do this any more. I told my wife I think I'm done. That's pretty tough. I got into wrestling because I never wanted to be that guy that says maybe I should have, maybe I could have, what if I had done this. I did it. I spent six-and-a-half years toiling away on the independent scene and driving up and down the highways and byways, doing 15 hour car rides one way, 30 hours total to get paid $40 and do it all over next week. People used to think I was crazy and that's what you do when you're passionate about something, when you want to achieve success. Then I got there. The first couple of years it was great and then all of a sudden it just came to a screeching halt. At that time I was like, this is the top of the food chain where I can't go any higher than this in the wrestling industry so I would rather just bow out now rather than just try to cling on to something. I'm so glad that I stuck around and I think TNA has a real fighting chance. I know that we are the underdogs by a long shot. Not as far as talent goes but WWE has been around for a long time and they have a lot of money. TNA has, I think, the foundation, a very solid foundation and it's going to take time. But I believe we're going to stick this out.

I can tell you right now, and I can't speak for anyone else, I can say it for myself that I'm going to go out there and give 100% every single week.What exactly made you change your mind for you to decide to continue with your wrestling career?I talked to a lot of different people that told me the landscape is different over there. It's different in TNA. You know, you hear mixed reviews.

I talked to some people who had been there and left and didn't like it, didn't like their experience. I guess I took a lot of people's, their own perception, I took those into consideration and came up with my own conclusion and that was I still wanted to make a go at this and I'll give it a shot. I got them to reduce the length of the contract. They initially wanted two years and we wanted six months because I really wasn't sure man, I really wasn't sure. So we got it down to a year and now I don't see myself leaving any time in the near future. I'm here to stay. I know a lot of guys in the past have come to TNA with the intentions of sweetening a deal to go back up north (WWE). I have no intentions of doing that – none whatsoever.

I'm here to stay and I'm part of the team.You talked about your frustrations with the WWE. Do you think things would have been different if you hadn't suffered the injuries you did and the times you had them?I don't know. I'm sure that injuries played a part in my "fans" backstage in the WWE. I'm sure that that helped them in their cause. Injuries in the wrestling business? I know that I've had the label of being injury-prone but I don't believe I've been injured more than anybody else in this business. Injuries are a common occurrence. Everybody is just constantly hurt in this business. It's just the name of the game. I don't know. I don't really try to dwell on what could have or how things might have played out. Things happened the way that they did and I'm actually kind of happy that they did happen that way because I always try to turn everything into a positive. Like I said, stuff happened and it's time to move on. What do you think is the biggest misconception it is about you from what people think they know about you and what is really you?(laughs) Umm....well, I don't know.

I guess I'm just a normal guy. I like hanging out with my wife. I like playing video games. I like going to movies. I like watching wrestling. I like watching sports. I'm a normal guy. But I'm also passionate about a number of things. I'm passionate about my business. I'm passionate about politics. I speak my mind a lot. I guess some people perceive that however they want to perceive it as. I would rather have somebody that speaks their mind as just tells it as it is rather than someone who just toes the company line. That's what I've tried to do. Sometimes it's backfired in my face, other times it has helped. There are people out there that hate me for that and there are people out there that really appreciate it and understand it.Can you clear up one misconception because there was a lot of talk about when you left WWE and what exactly happened to make the company decide to give you your release. There was talk about a match with Randy Orton where afterwards he chewed you out.

Can you explain what exactly happened?First of all, I did not get injured in that last match. I know that a lot of people were saying that I had broken my wrist or something like that. I was holding my wrist because I had just got the snot pounded out of me for about ten minutes by five of the top guys in the company. I was just selling. Actually, my physical therapist called me the next day and she said 'did you re-injure your shoulder?' I said no and she was like you were holding your wrist and that's an indicator I guess for those people in that profession. That's something that they look for, for recurring shoulder injury is holding the wrist to immobilize the shoulder.

He (Orton) told me to give him a belly-to-back suplex and I did and I thought everything was fine. I got to the back and he was holding his neck, saying that I dropped him on his head. He went to the back and lectured me about how I need to be safe and all this other stuff. He got three huge bags of ice – one on his neck, one on his left shoulder, one on his right shoulder. He got them all saran wrapped up, put his shirt back on and we walked to the locker room and he chewed me out the whole way there – calmly and quietly – but he told me that you need to be careful, blah blah blah.

I felt bad about it because I didn't know. I hadn't seen the tape so I thought I really dropped him on his head. Then I went home and saw the tape and saw that he landed flat. If you slow the video tape down, his neck never comes into contact with the mat. So, I'll let watch the tape and you let me know what you think. He landed flat as flat can be and then he went and complained to Vince (McMahon) and then (John) Cena went and complained to Vince and said that they didn't want to work with me anymore because I was dangerous and that is what ended up being the final straw. I wouldn't say that's what got me fired because there were so many other things before that. It was like they were looking for a reason to get rid of me. Did you ever think you'd be in a wrestling company in 2010 with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair and both would be getting back in the ring?No. It doesn't surprise me though. I never thought it would happen but it doesn't surprise me. After all the things I've seen in this wacky, crazy ride that I've been on for the last ten years, nothing, nothing at all surprises me any more.

But I think it's great. There are people out there going 'oh, those guys need to hang it up'.

To me, it's entertainment and to a lot of people it's entertaining.

At the end of the day, that's all that really matters. I understand there's wrestling purists out there who want just wrestling and I understand that. I like wrestling matches.

I like really good wrestling matches.

But there is something that those guys bring to the table that a lot of guys today just don't have so they're still here and that really says something.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vince vs. John Cena News, Ideas for WWE NXT, Otunga’s Fiancee, More

The February 19th episode of WWE's Friday Night SmackDown scored a 1.9 broadcast rating with 3,264,000 viewers.
- Several readers sent word that WWE is advertising next weeks John Cena vs. Vince McMahon match as the first meeting of the two but that's incorrect. Readers recall the two facing off back in March of 2006 before WrestleMania.
- It's believed WWE is trying to get NXT star David Otunga's fiancee Jennifer Hudson to sing the National Anthem at WrestleMania this year.
- While WWE revealed a few more details regarding the format of NXT on last night's show, they have still yet to make an official mention of what the winner of season one receives. There have been several ideas thrown around such as the first place guy getting a RAW deal and the second place guy getting a SmackDown spot but that idea didn't come across too well. There is talk also of having something along the lines of two winners, putting them on each brand as a way of not burying one of the brands.

DVD Cover and Content Listing for WWE's New Hart Family Set

Disc 1 Stu Hart Falling in Love The Promoter Hart House Riches to Rags All in the Family Hart Foundation / British Bulldogs Stampede Sold Dean International Spotlight Family Feud Canada’s Family Struggles Within Family Tragedy Third Generation Reflections Special Features
• Stu the Athlete
• Helen’s Car Accident
• Terrible Ted the Wrestling Bear
• A Letter from Dean
• Stu vs. The Tiger
• A Hart Family Thanksgiving – 1987
• Helen Throws in the Towel
• Owen the Prankster
• Chris Jericho’s Flight with Owen
• The Uninvited Guest
• Bret “Hit Man” Hart Returns to WWE
• Post-Raw Celebration (Raw – January 4, 2010) Disc 2 Introduction with The Hart Dynasty 6-Man Tag Team Match Keith Hart, Bruce Hart & Bret Hart vs. The Kiwis & Dynamite Kid Stampede Wrestling – May 1979 Stampede Arrives in WWE World Tag Team Championship Match Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs Boston Garden – November 1, 1986 An Unforgettable Match Intercontinental Championship Match Bret “Hit Man” Hart vs. British Bulldog SummerSlam – August 29, 1992 The Hart Family in a WWE Ring Family Feud Match Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Owen Hart, Bruce Hart & Keith Hart vs. Shawn Michaels & His Knights Survivor Series – November 24, 1993 Brothers vs. Brothers Bret “Hit Man” Hart & Owen Hart vs. Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner Florence, SC – January 11, 1994 Ripped Apart at the Seams World Tag Team Championship Match Bret “Hit Man” Hart & Owen Hart vs. The Quebecers Royal Rumble – January 22, 1994 Disc 3 Sibling Rivalry Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship Bret “Hit Man” Hart vs. Owen Hart SummerSlam – August 29, 1994 The Hart Family Settles It in the Ring Bret “Hit Man” Hart & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart Raw – November 7, 1994 Decorated in Gold European Championship Match Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog Raw – March 3, 1997 Front and Center 10-Man Tag Team Match Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart & Brian Pillman vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust & Legion of Doom In Your House: Canadian Stampede July 6, 1997 Border Wars 6-Man Tag Team Flag Match Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Undertaker & Dude Love Raw – July 21, 1997 Passing the Torch WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match The Hart Dynasty vs. D-Generation X SmackDown – December 25, 2009 The Best is Yet to Come

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 8th WWE RAW & TNA iMPACT! Previews

Next Monday night will be the beginning of a new era in professional wrestling. For the first time since 2001, World Wrestling Entertainment and Monday Night RAW will have direct competition every week.
Here’s what we know so far about the first night of the new Monday Night War:


- The show will feature the in-ring debuts of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, as they face in a tag match. Hogan will team with Abyss against Ric Flair TNA Champion AJ Styles.

- We know Spike TV has granted TNA an 8-minute overrun for next week’s show, so it will go live head-to-head with RAW for over 2 hours.

- Dixie Carter stated in a press release that went out last week that this will be another “new era” for TNA Wrestling.

- Several surprises are expected for the show. Jeff Hardy is likely to make an appearance.

- Magician Criss Angel hosts the show

- In a tune up match to get him ready for his showdown with Bret Hart at WrestleMania, WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon will face John Cena in a singles match.

-Randy Orton will face Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase in a handicap match.

We will continue to update this page with additional information as we get closer to Monday night, March 8th. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 1, 2010

WWE Releases Charlie Haas

Another one gone… announced the following today…WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Charlie Haas as of today, February 28, 2010. We wish Charlie Haas the best in all future endeavors.
All the relesed until now is maria , Helmes , Paul porchole , Hass

Eric Bischoff thoughts on Thursday's iMPACT! rating

Eric Bischoff posted the following on his Facebook page regarding Thursday's iMPACT! rating:
"How did the Olympics do? Think there were many men 18-49 watching? Seriously, we have known from day one that the way to gain market share and grow ratings is just like I did in 95. The wrestling audience gathers on Monday nights. Have for almost 2 decades. Giving them an option and getting them to sample our product will increase the ratings