
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon: The Predictions

As wrestling fans, we love to make predictions. But those in the business itself do too. Though Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels and the two world title matches are probably more important to WWE in the long run, it's the Bret "The Hitman" Hart against Vince McMahon Street Fight that has people talking. Check out the predictions from the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Hart Dynasty and others!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Wrestling icon"I'll give you two. Bret Hart wins, unless they're going to go to Backlash and bring it back. Then Vince will win first, and Bret will win the other one. But if they're going to go one match, Bret's going to win."

Was it a match you ever thought would happen?Austin: "I'm glad it is happening. I think it brings closure to their storyline, which goes back to the Montreal Screwjob, to all the hardships and heartaches that they've endured on a personal level. To see them in the ring working together, make no mistake about it, wrestling is a cooperation game. I have no doubt that Bret's going to be laying in his stuff extra-snug, but it's good to see Bret's moved on. Bret's one of my favorite guys to ever be in the ring with, and one of the guys that I respect the most. I've worked with both of the guys. Vince is a classic heel. He's not athletic. But he loves to be hated, he thrives on it. And Bret loves being loved, and he's a great babyface, and he's that humble, working every day babyface. It's going to be a damn good match."

Joe E. Legend, International superstar"I can't say because I'm biased. I was on tour with Bret last year and he and I came up with a 'fantasy scenario' of how he's do it IF he ever went back for it. We came up with a WICKED finish and it would be unfair of me to give it away just in case he goes with what we discussed."

Dan Murphy, Senior Writer, Pro Wrestling IllustratedGiven Hart's health problems and McMahon’s age, most analysts are keeping their expectations fairly low. But Hart isn’t about to mail in a poor performance at WrestleMania, and neither is Vince. Expect this match to get wild, with a lot of action outside the ring and plenty of outside interference. As for the finish, Vince will try to again mine the Montreal Screwjob by applying a sharpshooter and hoping for a quick bell. It won’t happen. Bret will counter the move. Bret scores the clean pinfall with a clothesline. And if Jim Neidhart is at ringside, expect to see Vince take an old-fashioned Hart Attack for good measure.

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David Hart Smith, WWE superstar, nephew of Bret Hart"Geez, well, Mr. McMahon is not known to be a master technician in the ring or much of anything as a wrestler. I would think that Bret would take this one, and would hopefully be able to put him in the Sharpshooter to get the victory -- to make him say, 'Uncle,' there wouldn't be a better move to beat him with."

"Hot Shot" Johnny Devine, wrestler and The Fight Network personality"I am going to say Bret via sharpshooter clean, or at the very least the same finish as Bret/Austin where Austin passed out. I could see something like Vince passing out and Bret shaving him as well."

Sheldon Goldberg, Co-Owner/Promoter New England Championship Wrestling; Host/Producer: The Mouthpiece Wrestling Show Honestly, who ever thought this match would happen? Bret Hart, though his amazing autobiography (which is one of the best bios of any kind I have ever read), got the last word in print, but he deserves to get the last word in the ring -- and at WrestleMania where many more people will see it. The storybook ending would have Vince McMahon tapping out in the sharpshooter -- poetic justice, that would just happen to be good for business. But what really makes me smile is that Bret Hart is back involved in wrestling on a major league level. Even having had a stroke, a WWE with Bret Hart working in any capacity, is a better WWE, in my opinion.

Natalya, WWE Diva, niece of Bret Hart"I think Vince, in his match, will try to pull every trick in the book. But who knows, that's kind of the exciting part of it. Every week that we've been watching it, following it, every week gets a little bit more exciting. It's funny to watch it all unfold, it's interesting to watch the dynamics. I think Bret will come out victorious, but I don't think, I don't expect it to go down without some serious turmoil. ... we can hope Vince slips on a banana peel, Bret puts on the Sharpshooter, or some sort of submission hold. We're always there if he needs us."

Dave Republic, promoter, Extreme Canadian Championship WrestlingFor Bret versus Vince we are not going to have a wrestling clinic -- instead, lots of brawling and Bret dishing out a beating to score his revenge. I see Bret winning with the sharpshooter, a major in-ring celebration with all the Harts in attendance and closing the book on this 12.5 year angle. Coming out of this match, hopefully the Hart Dynasty plays into stopping interference to assist McMahon (perhaps from some NXT guys or even Shawn Michaels?) and then the new generation of Harts get the push they so rightfully deserve.

"Bloody" Bill Skullion, Ontario indy worker"It should be really entertaining. It's the only match I really give a s--- about on the show. Vince, screw job. I think there will be a sh--load of juice though."

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