
Monday, March 22, 2010

Bret Hart Write in his Facebook Account

It's one week until WrestleMania and I have to admit to being totally pumped up. Phoenix has always been a great place for me over the years.
My last memory being there was back in 1999 with WCW where I vaguely recall winning the WCW tag-team belts with none other than Bill Goldberg. I don't remember losing them ever anywhere, but like everything in WCW, nothing made much sense.
On a better note, it was great seeing my pal, Stone Cold, last week on Raw. We talked for some time about our old WrestleMania 13 match and how great it was.
Steve looked terrific and was excited about his acting career. We left things off that he might come visit me in Hawaii and try to help me with some of the wild pigs tearing up my neighborhood down there. I also had a long look back with Kevin Dunn and Pat Patterson after Raw last week. We had some nice reflections on Owen that reminded us all what a tragic loss his passing was. We had some laughs too, and Pat laughed until he cried. All in all, it as a great night for me in San Diego last week.
I stopped by to visit and give a pep talk to the Hitmen before the first game of the playoffs against the Moose Jaw Warriors. I rarely do this but I made an exception. I stammered a few words about them being Andre the Giant and that Moose Jaw was Barry Horrowitz.
That seemed to blow up in my face completely as the Hitmen lost, and then lost again last night. On Friday night, I stopped by to see my pal Joe Thornton and the San Jose Sharks. They had just lost a close one against the Flames and Joe called out with a smile that maybe I should give them a pep talk. I said, "no more pep talks for me." Anyway, I gotta run to the airport, taking my son Blade down like the good old days again. Thanks again to my great fans all over the world for being in my corner these past three months. I'll never forget it nor will I let you down next Sunday. WrestleMania, here I come!-Bret
P.S. I will have a WrestleMania week sale at my online store starting on Wednesday this week, check . THANKS HITMAN FANS!

WWE Monday Night Raw Preview 22/03/2010

Pete Rose hosts the show

it may be for only one night, but HHH and Randy Orton, formerly part of Evolution, will work together to face off with Sheamus, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase

There have been rumors, but will Money in the Bank get a 10th participant, or stay at nine?
After being bamboozled by the Hitman last week, what will Mr. McMahon do so close to his match with Bret Hart

Shawn Michaels invaded Smackdown Friday night and tuned up the band just for the Undertaker. Will the Deadman make a trip to raw to even the score

With just days to go, will the ladies earn a spot on the WrestleMania card

Here is the updated WrestleMania 26 card:

* HHH vs. Sheamus

* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio (If Rey Mysterio Loses, He Must Join The Straight Edge Society))

* Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

* No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

* Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin

vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre

* Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show © vs. John Morrison and R-Truth

* Career vs. Streak – Winner By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

* WWE Title Match: Batista © vs. John Cena

World Title Match: Chris Jericho © vs. Edge

TNA Impact Preview 22/03/2010

Last week RVD and Sting continued their feud as they battled around the Impact Zone. What is next for these two superstars

Last night at Destination X Kazarian won a four-way ladder match to earn a shot a the TNA X-Division title. Will he challenge Doug Williams at Lockdown

Also on the show, the Motor City Machineguns defeated Generation Me to win a shot at the TNA Tag Team Titles. With Matt Morgan laying out Hernandez after their win, are the tag champs primed for a loss

Tara retained her TNA Knockouts Title against Daffney, but after the match Daffney kidnapper Poison! Are we set for a Spider on a Pole match

Kevin Nash showed his true colors as he turned on Eric Young and got the Band back together. Is the Wolfpack set to run wild on TNA

Kurt Angle beat Ken Anderson to a bloody pulp and made him submit to the ankle lock, but Anderson said that it wasn't over. Are these two going to have to settle the score once and for all at Lockdown

In the main event of Destination X, Abyss destroyed AJ Styles and chokeslammed him through the mat. Unfortunately for the monster, he did not win the TNA Title. With The Pope D'Angelo Dinero set to challenge for the title at Lockdown, is Abyss out of the title mix? Where does Jeff Hardy fit into things after pinning AJ Styles last week