
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goldberg Talks TNA - Would He Come in?

Former WWEand WCW World Hvt. champion Bill Goldberg was interviewed on the "Right After Wrestling" Sirius radio show on Monday night talking about his status with TNA, the last time he talked to TNA president Dixie Carter about working for TNA, life after wrestling, and not wanting to be like Ric Flairand Hulk Hogan getting back in the ring.
-- Goldberg claimed he has not talked to anyone in TNA about working for the promotionin four years and he doesn't anticipate going back to work for a major wrestling promotion, even if someone pitched him a tremendous offer."I personally believe that the general consensus out there is that I have moved on to other things. Let me get the record straight with this TNA deal. I have never been contacted by TNA - excuse me, I haven't been contacted by TNA since Dixie Carter and I had a nice lunch here in San Diego four years ago," Goldberg said. "The ball is not in my court. To say that I would hit the ball out of the park if it were pitched to me, I'm not saying that by any stretch of the imagination. The pitch hasn't even been made. It's not me turning down a deal."-- At various points in the interview, Goldberg talked about his age being a factor in not wanting to return to pro wrestling, especially when he's in the "life after wrestling" stage of his professional career.
"The status of Bill Goldberg is I'm 43-years-old, I have a four-year-old little boy, I have a wife, and I have three TV shows I'm currently filming. Unless I can reinvent a 25-hour day, I don't see it happening," Goldberg said. "As much as I'd love to get back there for the fans, it's really difficult juggling all of the things I have on my plate. I'm now fully engulfed in life after wrestling. To go back to it would be almost impossible at this point. Unless something and/or somebody came to the table with some type of a deal that it would behoove me to push something else to the side, I just don't see it as a reality."-- Goldberg talked about pro wrestling being an opportunity to make a name for himself to set himself up for business opportunities after wrestling, especially when his "only dream in life" of being a pro football star didn't materialize."Professional wrestlingwas a stage and a business opportunity," he said. "To say I miss the adrenalinjavascript:void(0)e rush and the ability to put a smile on a kid's face just with just a look - yeah, I absolutely miss that. Do I miss it enough to drop everything that I'm doing and go back to it? Absolutely not.
Am I passionate about it? Yes. Am I stupid about it? No."-- Goldberg closed with a parting shot on Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, who are returning to wrestle on national TV next Monday, March 8 when TNA Impact moves to Mondya nights."First and foremost, I'm not turning my back on the professional fans, as I'll never forget what they did for me, but I'm not going to be Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan being 50-years-old and getting in the ring," Goldberg said.

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