
Friday, April 2, 2010

Vince McMahon's "Mr. McMahon" Character Reportedly Finished

Vince McMahon was privately saying over the past week that his match with Bret Hart at WrestleMania would be the blow-off to the evil "Mr. McMahon" television character.

He noted that the "Mr. McMahon" character was spawned by the aftermath of "Montreal" in 1997 and that WrestleMania was the right time and perfect angle to finish the story and put the character to rest. It should be noted that McMahon, who is of the belief that television is for younger faces and having an aging look is death to the promotion, has said in the past that he felt he was too old to be a performer. However, an angle would come up, ratings would come down and he'd get the itch to return.

McMahon was originally pegged for a match with Undertaker at WrestleMania before the angle with Hart was put together. His absolute destruction at the hands of the Hart family was meant to signify the end of the character, to blow off all the heel heat off the character, and for the character to ultimate be turned babyface. However, many noted amusement that the scenario he chose to turn babyface completely failed.

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