
Saturday, February 13, 2010

TNA in Norfolk, Va.: Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles with Ric Flair involved, Jarrett vs. Daniels, Angle advertises Impact on Mondays "real soon

TNA house show reportFebruary 12, 2010Norfolk, Va. at the Ted Constant CenterReport by Ed Carr, Torch VIP member
I arrived in the building to the voice of Don West explaining that Ric Flair was signing autographs, but he was gone by the time I got to the table. Not a packed house, but a decent crowd. Jeremy Borash handled MC/ring announcer duty.

(1) Generation Me (Max & Jeremy) defeated Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed) with their 450/moonsault combo. Nice athletic spots that popped the crowd. Good opener.(2) Jesse Neal defeated Homicide with a facebuster type move. Neal came out with the American flag, but still had his heel look from the last time he was on TV. Norfolk is a big Navy town and he was introduced as a former Navy sailor to a huge pop. The crowd chanted "USA" at Homicide even though he was introduced as being from Brooklyn, N.Y., but he played into it like a true heel. (3) TNA Knockouts champion Tara & Angelina Love defeated the Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne & Lacey Von Erich) in a handicap match when Tara pinned Madison after a Widow's Peak. A man named Chase was introduced as Tara's manager. Not sure if this will play out on TV or just a local thing.

(4) "TNA Founder and The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett defeated Daniels after the Stroke. Daniels did the old heel stalling to start out. Jarrett was over huge and you could see him smiling about it. Daniels was great as he hit three successful shoulder blocks and demanded the referee raise his arm in victory. Jarrett made a comeback and hit his finisher for the win. After the match, Jeff thanked the crowd for their support.(5) Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) defeated British Invasion (Brutus Magnus & X Division champion Doug Williams) with the Driving While Investing (DWI). Beer Money received the biggest pop up to this point and had one side of the arena chanting "Beer" and the other "Money." As a side note, there was a guy wearing a blue amateur style singlet with one strap pulled down imitating the Big Show, but he looked more like Adam Pearce. You had to be there to see it.(6) "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero defeated Desmond Wolfe with DDE double knee smash. The Pope just has this charismatic aura about him that makes you want to cheer him. On the opposite side, Desmond portrays the cocky heel very well so. They played off each other very well. Earl Hebner was introduced as the referee for the main event, but some guy with a headset told JB that Hebner was suspended by Hulk Hogan. Security came into the ring and escorted Earl out of the building while the crowd chanted, "Na na na na, hey, goodbye." Slick Johnson replaced him as the ref.

(7) TNA World Hvt. champion "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles (w/Ric Flair) defeated Kurt Angle after a belt shot to retain the TNA World Title. This match got the most heat of all and they even had the formal ring introductions by JB. Loud "Whooos" for Flair every time he interfered. He even grabbed the house mic and yelled, "Shut Up!" The crowd just whoo'ed again. Funny. There were also dueling chants of "Let's Go Kurt" and "Let's go A.J." dueling chants. A.J. hit the Pele kick, his back flip into inverted DDT, and his springboard forearm smash. Kurt hit his overhead belly-to-belly and three consecutive German suplexes, but when he tried his running belly-to-belly while his opponent is on the tope rope, he slipped and almost came down on his head. They were able to adjust in mid-air. The finish saw Angle apply the anklelock, but Flair pulled the ref out of the ring. Angle chased Flair into the ring, but Ric gave him two low blows. The crowd chanted "No more babies." Angle made a comeback and had Ric in the anklelock when A.J. hit him with the title and made the cover. A.J. had this great look on his face as he clutched the title like he thought he would never hold it again. After the matched, Kurt thanked the military members in attendance and thanked everyone for watching Impact on Thursdays and to continue watching on Mondays real soon.JB informed the crowd that it was not over. The babyfaces would be coming around the ring to sign autographs and take pictures while Ric Flair would be in the ring taking pics for $20. Flair came out and said no matter how hard he tried to get everyone to boo him, they wouldn't. He talked briefly about his history in Norfolk and then proceeded to take pictures in what was a long line. Even though there is a PPV in two days, none of the wrestlers looked like they were phoning it in. Everyone put in a good effort and the crowd was hot throughout the show.

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