
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eric Bischoff Interview

TNA creative executive Eric Bischoff has nothing but positive things to say about the first six weeks working in the trenches for TNA. He says the writing staff and the wrestlers have a strong work ethic and it's refreshing to work with younger talent embracing Hulk Hogan's and his ideas to enhance the product.
In a phone interview on Thursday afternoon, Bischoff said his "Internet reputation" preceded him when he arrived in January, but he feels he's been able to show wrestlers that he means business and whatever stories the younger talent heard about him from the past have been quickly put to bed.
Bischoff said his ideal goal as creative executive is to prominently feature one new wrestler every month and grow that wrestler's character so he's elevated to the level of other top stars in TNA."A.J. Styles was our first project," Bischoff said. "His character has more life and become larger than before."If Styles was the first project in January, then it seems The Pope D'Angelo Dinero is this month's project and Abyss will be March's featured star after TNA gave Abyss a strong push on tonight's Impact.
Bischoff believes some of the newer stars on the TNA roster were underutilized before Hogan and he arrived in TNA. He said he's "thrilled" to take part in helping elevate wrestlers on the roster, as he feels that's one of his goals in TNA.
Constantly building, developing, and featuring one new star every month could give TNA a potential competitive advantage against WWE Raw on Monday nights, especially if WWE continues to devote TV time to familiar top stars on Raw.
On the topic of working with Vince Russo, Bischoff said it's been a "very positive" experience.
He said their collaborations have been productive and he doesn't believe there has been one creative disagreement they couldn't resolve."It would be a lie if I said there has been anything negative," Bischoff said about working with Russo
"If I see red and he sees green, we've been able to come as close as possible to resolving it every time."After TNA discarded the six-sided ring, questions arose on whether TNA will make any more changes to the look and feel of the product. Bischoff said the mark of any good TV show is constantly looking to improve production value."It's a work in progress," Bischoff said. "TV is constantly evolving weekly, monthly, yearly."

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