
Monday, February 8, 2010

Bret Hart Says He Wouldn't Work With Bischoff/Hogan, Impact Rating Drops

-- On his Facebook account, Bret Hart made some interesting comments regarding TNA. He wrote the following: "It was nice seeing Jeremy Borash, a longtime friend of mine, from TNA while I was in Nashville. He hung out with me and we never once talked wrestling. Some feeble minded idiot who saw us in plain view tried to start the rumour that I might be heading to TNA next; although why anyone would ever think I'd let Hogan and Bischoff anywhere near my Hitman persona again is truly beyond me." Bischoff referred to Borash as a "mark" last week on his Twitter account for posting a photo of himself and Hart after their dinner, which also included several other TNA staffers. -- After TNA's iMPACT! posted its highest rating in company history one week prior week, it took a step back with last Thursday's show. Last week's episode scored a 1.2 cable rating (1.6 million viewers), down from the previous week's record high 1.4 (1.9 million viewers) number. (source: -- The TNA Superstars give their predictions for the Against All Odds pay-per-view main event between AJ Styles and Samoa Joe

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