
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bret Hart Reveals Why He Returned To WWE, WrestleMania & More

Bret Hart did an hour interview on Team 960 in Calgary this morning. I only caught bits and pieces of it because I was working but there didn't seem to be much new to report. Some interesting things that he did say:

- He is hopeful that both his father and Owen would be inducted into the Hall of Fame but acknowledged that there may be some issues with Owen given Martha's feelings.

- He said he originally approached WWE about coming back this time and that they took a while to get back to him but finally did and were of course interested.

- He decided to come back because he asked himself how long he could hold a grudge and he felt that if he was ever going to do it, now was the time because of his body's ability to do it and because he thought it might help the Hart Dynasty members.

- He said that the guys today are mostly pretty good on the road and "in bed by midnight" not like in the "Niedhart days".

- He seemed really excited about the DVD that's coming out and said it had lots of good stuff on it that had never been seen including some Stampede stuff.

- He said that his brother Ross sold the Stampede library to WWE but that sale did not include the footage of Bret from Stampede.

- He said he is really having fun with his current run and when the interviewer asked him about midgets in wrestling he said he got along really well with Hornswoggle and hung out with him more that pretty much anybody else backstage.

- Bret said he expected Wrestlemania to be a great Hart family reunion and expected himself and a lot of his family to be there.

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