
Sunday, February 14, 2010


TNA Live at the Constant Convocation Center in Norfolk, VA 2/12/20101) Generation Me vs. Young Bucks: Missed this match while waiting in line for beer!

2) Jesse Neal d. Homicide by pinfall. J.B. acknowledged Jesse's service on the U.S.S. Cole (stationed out of Norfolk).

3) Tara and Angelina Love d. The Beautiful People (all three members) by pinfall.--Intermission--

4) Jeff Jarrett d. Daniels by pinfall.

5) Beer Money d. The British Invasion by pinfall.6) The Pope d. Desmond Wolfe by pinfall.

7) A. J. Styles (w/Ric Flair) d. Kurt Angle by pinfall. Flair pulled the ref out of the ring after Kurt had the ankle lock. Kurt chased Flair, but Flair gave him a series of low blows. Angle retaliated with the Angle Slam on Flair, before getting decked by A.J. with the belt, which led to the pin. After the match, Kurt thanked the crowd for their support, honored the military and their families in attendance, then made a statement encouraging us to watch TNA on Thursdays on Spike TV...Soon to be Monday night.
J.B. thanked the fans in attendance then brought the faces out around ringside area to sign autographs, and announced a photo op with Ric Flair in the ring ($20 for your entire group). Before they let fans in the ring for the pictures, he said "No matter how hard I try, I can't get you people to boo me!". Then he acknowledged his history in Norfolk and said that he was honored to be a part of tonight's show (I don't think he's normally appears at house shows). He concluded by thanking the fans for their support and said that TNA is going big places.

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